Subject RE: [IB-Architect] My position
Author Phil Shrimpton
> From: Ann Harrison [mailto:harrison@...]


> Although I enjoy working with the InterBase group very
> much, I don't have much talent as a manager in a large
> organization. Recognizing that, I declined to extend
> my contract. So, as of today, I no longer speak for
> Inprise ... even to the small extent I ever did.

I am not surprised about your decision. Thank you for all the good work up
to now, I am sure we would not have got this far without you, and look
forward to your input in the future. I hope this means we will see more of
you now <g>. Hopefully Inprise will do the right thing and NewCo will be
off the ground soon.

> I continue in my role as president of NewCo - formerly
> ISC - and continue to look for ways to support and
> improve InterBase.

You can read so many things into that statement, but I suppose you can't

