Subject Re: InterBase
Author Paul Beach
I will re-iterate a couple of comments I made yesterday.

1. We asked Dale to either Open Source the Code and/or release the 6.0 binaries at the Borland Conference. He has delivered on that. Its not perfect, but its a major step in the right direction. Customers can now officially use and work with the 6.0 product...
2. We as ISC couldn't Open Source the Code, or release the binaries ourselves, because we don't own them, only Inprise could do that. Because we haven't yet finalised any deal re. the software yet.
3. Whatever logo Inprise have chosen to use on their Web Sites, is entirely their choice, the Phoenix is an ISC logo.
4. We are working very hard with Inprise to try and finalise a deal re. InterBase that makes sense for Inprise, us and the whole developer community. Its not easy but hopefully we can sort this out soon.
5. The ODBC driver was written and is owned by Jim Starkey, he chooses when to release this, either to us, or to anybody else. I guess he doesn't want to make it available to Inprise. In the interim, the 5.6 ODBC driver in the 5.6 Windows eval download works against 6.0 using dialect 1.
6. In terms of the Final Doc's, Inprise own the beta docs, and we own some derivative works, but Inprise own the copyright. To release final docs requires us to finalise the deal with Inprise - or re-write the doc's from scratch.
7. We are working on getting up and running a full CVS tree for InterBase as fast as we can.
8. We are aware of some issues with the final release - we will fix these and make them available from, again as fast as we can.

Hoping this helps - a little.

Please keep up the information flow, it all helps

Paul Beach
Vice President Sales & Marketing
InterBase Software Corporation
Tel (UK):+44 (0) 1844 354465
Mobile: +44 (0) 7887 890375
Tel (USA):+1 831 431 1097
E-mail: pabeach@...
----- Original Message -----
From: David R. Robinson
To: ''
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 10:58 PM
Subject: RE: [IB-Marketing] Phoenix II

These (attached) sure look at lot different. Is Phoenix out?

David R.
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Beach [mailto:pabeach@...]
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2000 6:30 AM
Subject: Re: [IB-Marketing] Phoenix II

Attached is the new logo, I cross checked the size, and since its only 150k
I thought I would be able to post it here and get away with it. A few
comments however.... before the fanfares of unveiling.


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