Subject RE: [IB-Architect] Warning!!! Bugs, Support... addition
Author David R. Robinson
Did you your server fixed?

The only way I could get it fixed was to boot to a dos prompt and copy a
good version of the file over the bad one. You have to do this because the
OS loads the DLL when it boots so you can't rename it or overwrite it with a
newer version.

FYI, I posted this on 12/7/99: ;-(

David R.

"David R. Robinson" <drobinson@...> wrote in message news on:
> Problem #1:
> I just got the Gold CD update. I had an existing Win2000 testing server
> running IB 6 FT2, MS SQL 7, Oracle 8i, Sybase 11.9.2, and IIS.
> After installing the Gold version I discovered that the installer broke
> msvcrt.dll by installing a VERY outdated version. It is apparently
> installing version 5.00.7303. Note: You set the date of your source
> msvcrt.dll file to 11/24/99. This isn't something that you should do for
> DLLs that you didn't create. Anyway, this causes MS SQL server and Sybase
> to no longer load with an access violation in msvcrt.dll.
> This also happened with FT2, but I didn't realize at the time that it was
> the IB installer caused the problem. The ONLY way that I know of (since I
> have everything on one big NTFS partition) to fix the msvcrt.dll file
> Windows uses it when Windows is running) is to reinstall Win2000.
> On a side note, I though that Win2000 was supposed to have some things
> it to protect the core DLLs (I guess msvcrt isn't one of them).
> Apparently the installer has some problems figuring out what the version
> installed because on my NT 4 workstation install, it left the 6.00.8397
> version of msvctr.dll alone and didn't downgrade it to a previous version.
> I'm in the process of reinstalling Win2000 now, so I can't get the Win2000
> version and the msvcrt.dll version that Win2000 uses. Once I'm back up,
> I'll post a reply to this thread.
> I know you don't/won't officially support Win2000 now, but Win2000 will
> about the same time as IB 6 and if this problem exists, you'll get a ton
> support calls about this. This may also be a problem that is not specific
> to Win2000.

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