Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Interbase connection limit and Support relatedProblems
Author Steve Garland
each middle tier machine can probably host up to about 100-200 clients
actively working with the database.>>

Here are some real numbers from an ASTA user running an ASTAIBObjects Server
at a busy call center in Salt Lake City. This is a 100 megabit network with
90,000 queries a day or so with a maximum of 5 Interbase connections which
expands on demand. The server is not being pushed at all.

65 clients
~90k queries per day
5 pooled connections

Memory usage = 6 meg. (Yes this is NOT a typo).

Performance is fabulous (so they tell me) from a 28.8 modem.

Steve Garland sgarland@...
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