Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Interbase connection limit andSupportrelatedProblems
Author Andre Mostert
>Dalton Calford wrote

>would never rely upon a beta product as one of it's key components. IBO
>is a stable product, well tested, and well, cheap. It is your

Point taken I will table it with the developers tomorrow

>I am going to propose a series of different solutions to your problems.
>What I ask is that we keep all discusion of this on this list. That all
>consultants, developers, wise-cracking hacks and anyone else involved
>joins this mailing list and confines all comments to this list. No off
>list mailings or discussions.

To the best of my knowledge the follow the list but I will copy them on your
email. Essentailly I have been
charged with finding a solution

Regards Andre