Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Some IB questions.
Author Charlie Caro
Ann Harrison wrote:

> >4.- What's the trick behind the idea that R/O result sets are sent with as
> >many records as possible inside a network packet whereas FOR UPDATE result
> >sets are sent with one record per network packet? What have I gained using
> >FOR UPDATE if live-recordsets in the server side are almost an illusion?
> >Usually, these live recordset are produced in the client side thanks to
> >buffering.
> Charlie? Help!

The origins of this behavior relate to the introduction of READ_COMMITTED
transactions. A QA tester noticed a difference in behavior when she ran a test
against a local database and a remote database.

The test started two transactions in a client program. The READ_COMMITTED
transaction opened a FOR UPDATE cursor. In another transaction, a searched
UPDATE statement modified one or more rows that were members of the result set
of the positioned update cursor for the READ_COMMITTED transaction.

If the test was run locally then the fetches from the positioned update cursor
would always see the update from the other transaction. However, to a remote
database, sometimes the updates would not be seen. The difference results
because the local (CLASSIC at the time) will fetch rows one at a time while the
IB remote protocol always prefetches over the remote pipeline.

This state-of-affairs bothered enough QA & RD folks to make the decision to turn
off the remote pipelining for FOR UPDATE cursors. This made the remote/local
behavior identical.

I disagreed on two counts:

1) I'm heavily biased toward performance and this change reduces retrieval by at
least an order of magnitude;

2) The anomaly naturally occurs between distinct clients; it's just a matter of
timing. You just don't notice it because everyone is "pointing'n clicking"

3) For various practical reasons (middleware, LCD etc.), most developers don't
use multiple transactions in an application.

I wanted to document the anomaly so that developers could code around it. Unless
the architects populi disagree, I would like to rollback the change in a future
release to restore the performance.

Hope this helps,