Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Superserver vs. Classic vs. NT vs. Linux on SMP
Author Dalton Calford
Hi Sean,

You wrote...
> Next, we are looking at offering an ASP (application service provider)
> solution of or product. As it sits right now, there is no way that we
> could cost effectively provide this as InterBase will not run
> effectively on a multi-processor system. Has anyone actually ran in a
> production environment using Linux with multiple databases on a
> multi-processing machine? I am not looking for theoretically 'it will
> work', I need hard facts.

We run a production database off of multiple SMP based machines running
linux and the 5.6 version of IB.

We have multiple offices with many concurrent users, connecting to the
servers over a ISDN based WAN as well as a automated telephony based
application that queries the database for users accounting information.
On the primary server, we also have a project management database that
runs using ASP (from our IIS servers) and Perl (from our apache servers)
to control all internal operations (this is to answer your question
about multiple databases on the same server). Our primary database is
designed so that all users actions are posted to a roll-forward log (our
backups used to take days) and also to a replication system (we have a
fail-over processing system in place).

We also split our accounting data into different databases based upon
billing periods due to the size of the data (a 45 day period is now
getting into the 7 GB range of data). The client programs switch
between the primary and historical databases at will and the historical
database are on different servers, including the servers we use as our
primary systems.

If you want, I can post a detailed list of the hardware, and why we
designed it that way, to the list.

I can also post some methods of Replication and Load Balancing.

Perhaps, if the ideas are accepted by the development group, some of
them can be included into the next (version 7) release of IB.

I would need some feedback from the members of this list before I post
the details so as to not get too far off the main topic of this list, IB

best regards


Sean Stromberg wrote:
> We have been long time users of InterBase on the NT platform and up
> until recently very pleased. Unfortunately, now we run up against some
> poor design in the Superserver architecture on Windows NT which sounds
> as if it spans other OSs as well. All of our clients are now running IB
> 5.6 on their servers, which the majority are dual (because IB 4.2 scaled
> much better over these), and now run up against queries that will
> completely lock the server until they complete or will cause processor
> ping-pong. Both completely undesirable features.
> With this is mind we are now forced to explore other platforms (support
> nightmare), thus this brings me to my question. Is there a version of
> IB 5.6 for Linux? If so how does it do on multi-processor systems?
> Next, we are looking at offering an ASP (application service provider)
> solution of or product. As it sits right now, there is no way that we
> could cost effectively provide this as InterBase will not run
> effectively on a multi-processor system. Has anyone actually ran in a
> production environment using Linux with multiple databases on a
> multi-processing machine? I am not looking for theoretically 'it will
> work', I need hard facts.
> In no way do I want to jump off of InterBase. I love the product and
> enjoy the community. But if we can't scale with our clients, we lose
> business. If we lose business, then we have to look at something else.
> Any comments are appreciated.
> Sean Stromberg
> The HOEHNE Group
> Director of Development
> Email: sean@...
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