Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Fw: Mischievous SYSDBA
Author Paul Beach

Please feel free to do so, the current thinking, is that it is a problem,
the current solution, not known at this time.


> I'm forwarding the following to IB Architects...
> What is the current thinking WRT this problem?
> -ST
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Dmitry Garin
> To: steve@...
> Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 10:29 AM
> Subject: Mischievous SYSDBA
> Hello Steve.
> I don't know if you're still interested but here's some thinking on SYSDBA
> role soultion
> 1. Here's an e-mail that I received but I haven't tried it myself:
> If you mean that SYSDBA -role solution, I think it is not an answer. It
> only 5 minutes from a newbie like me to open that "protection".
> When you (customer or competitor of my software) just change the isc4.gdb
> and try to login with SYSDBA to database where we have SYSDBA role
> the IBConsole tells you that there is a role named SYSDBA. Now you just
> the db file with some hex-editor, find word SYSDBA, change one letter e.g.
> to SYTDBA, save file and connect with SYSDBA, and now you have all
> information available again.
> Did I miss something, or is it really this easy? Is there a way to encrypt
> the whole gdb file?
> -Peter-
> 2. Here's another way:
> Now when SYSDBA is off the track what you need to know is the username
> is now your password. So if you copy a database that you need to hack to
> new IB server with fresh ISC4.GDB and create any user, then connect to
> database under that user - you'll be able to find out the owner of the
> database, then create the user =owner and connect to the database under
> user. That's it - you're in.
> Besides all this here's something for you. Wouldn't it be easier just to
> encrypt the database. That's the question I asked in the very beginning of
> IB 6 field test and Bill Karwin replied that IB is not planning to improve
> security side and kindly forwarded me to read FAQs on MERS site.
> Yours
> Dmitry Garin
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