Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Fw: Mischievous SYSDBA
Author Ann Harrison
At 01:19 PM 5/30/00 -0400, Dalton Calford wrote:

> > Problem: gbak will need the key (or whatever) to access the restriction
> > portion of the database. Unless we can come up with something tricky,
> > this means giving the key to the system administrator, who is the one
> > we're trying to protect the data from.
>Since the programmer will have access to the source of GBAK, they can
>make the change to gbak to include the key without telling the local
>administrator the key.

Except that the license requires that they disclose any changes
made to the code and shared with others. Yes, that could be worked
around by changing the code to interface with a separate module
for verification.
