Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Re : License Question
Author Markus Kemper

> The fact that Classic scales better on SMP than
> SuperServer shows that the work is not complete BTW,
> you can sink near endless work into suitable locking.

We are investigating the issue of better SMP support
with the SuperServer. I do not know your level of
IB experience but, it sounds like you have some MySQL
experience. If you have not already had a chance
to explore InterBase from a transaction (I don't
believe that MySQL has them) and application development
perspective please do. I think you might walk away saying
to yourself "What locking?. InterBase's unique versioning,
the MGA, engine makes it so easy for me. I no longer
have to think about multiuser contention."

But, you are correct in that all development choices
must make the best use of available resources.
