Subject RE: [IB-Architect] Interbase Culture and Open Source
Author Claudio Valderrama C.
And I assume the Oracle power unit or unit of CPU performance still applies
to one processor, right? As I understand things, if you are installing
Oracle on a four-processor Intel with NT, for example, you have to calculate
your power unit according to the CPU speed and then multiply this value by 4
to get the cost of your puchase. In comparison, IB SuperServer in NT will
bounce nicely among the four processors... no processor will feel bored. ;-)

Claudio Valderrama C.
Ingeniero en Informática - Consultor independiente

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Uckun [mailto:tim@...]
> Sent: Martes 28 de Marzo de 2000 20:17
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IB-Architect] Interbase Culture and Open Source
> From: Tim Uckun <tim@...>
> I just got off the phone with an oracle rep. I was quoted a two year
> licence on a per "power unit" charge of $5.25. Which for me (a
> single pII
> XEON 500) would cost about $2500.00 pretty damned cheap considering there
> is no per user cost involved. I figure when the time to renew comes up in
> two years it will be even cheaper. They also quoted me the entire
> "doc com
> suite" (whatever that is) for under 8K. I think it includes some
> support. Either way Oracle is now cheaper then just about any other
> database on the market including MS-SQL and Sybase SQL anywhere.
> Of course
> I will need to become an oracle DBA in order to properly use it.