Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Interbase Culture and Open Source
Author Markus Kemper
> >Pardon the rant...
> I must agree with Jason on this one.

Focus, this is an 'InterBase Architecture' discussion list
not a tools debate. If we are to talk about tools though,
I'd like to hear from VB, Access, Delphi and other tool
users as to how we can improve InterBase's connectivity
from them. Wouldn't it be great if 10% of the VB users
out there were using IB backends!

> Stability and speed aside completely

Never. These are key characteristics of a database server.

> A buddy of mine claims to have gained a 40% increase in
> speed by moving from MSSQL 6.5 to Interbase 5.5, maybe I
> should do a write up on his project for PR fodder.

I'd love to have this. Let me know if I can help.
