Subject RE: [IB-Architect] Interbase Culture and Open Source
Author Andy Gibson
>I want Interbase developed by people who believe that smart,
>small, and simple is good. I want it used by people with
>a problem to solve but who don't want to be database experts.

I think also that this could become Interbase's niche market. For those that
don't want a mammoth application using Oracle or SQL Server, with half a
dozen support staff for it. Not that Interbase can't support mammoth
applications, but from a mentality point of view, Interbase could well serve
those that want power, and flexibility, without high license costs, and
constant maintenance.

Case in point, I was working years ago for a software company that wrote tax
software for accountants. say 100 clients with 10 years of data, makes for a
lot of storage. We used Paradox then (with Delphi 1 & 2). No reason why
Interbase can't be used for those types of applications.

What I mean is that Interbase's niche market could be to replace the
widespread use of network databases. I know that Interbase can easily
compete with Oracle, and MS Server, but rather than focus solely on that,
why not aim for the lower grade applications also, a market that Oracle /
SQL Server can never obtain due to the fact that the overall cost would be
too high to justify.


Andy Gibson