Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Execute query timeout parameter
Author JP
Jason Wharton wrote:

> From: "Jason Wharton" <jwharton@...>
> I wonder if it may be possible to make an alternate API call to allow a
> timeout parameter to be passed along with the request to execute a
> statement. This way, there wouldn't have to be any complex asynchronous
> processing going on in the background. The server would just keep track of
> the duration of the query being processed on the server and then if it
> exceeds the time allowed it will terminate the request and exit with an
> errcode signifying that the query timed out. At that point an exception
> could be raised in the application and the user would be informed that the
> query took too long to process.
> This would at least be ideal for the development mode where a developer
> would want to make sure that all their queries are faster than a certain
> period of time so they would just set it to timeout a little past that.
> In an application the user could at least be given the assurance that the
> server won't stay busy too long so they won't be as inclinded to
> CTRL+ALT+DELETE the app. They know if they wait at least 120 seconds that it
> will come back to them...
> On a web-site the user could just be told, sorry, your request timed out on
> the server, please try again another time or try to use criteria that is
> more specific, etc...
> Excelent Idea for me, especially If it can be grouped

John Pasvantis

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