Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Next ODS change (was: System table change)
Author Jason Chapman

Good to hear from you, I have a non-index related 2c worth. One of my
engineers who shall remain nameless, but not sacked. He created a database
with a 1KB pagesize on NT4 to table TIFF files only. The insertion rate was
32 per minute. By moving from 1KB to 8KB insert rate went up to 300per

I wonder what a 32KB pagesize would do.

And as another interesting aside, by pre-allocating the space within the GDB
it went from 300 to 600 per minute.



We are producing a db for 10GB per week growth, how big are your image db's


----- Original Message -----
From: Dalton Calford <dcalford@...>
To: <>
Sent: 14/11/2000 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: [IB-Architect] Next ODS change (was: System table change)

> I have a question (please don't shoot me for asking)
> Why don't we think about a larger page size?
> 16k, 32k, 64k (these are all natural page read/write sizes on hardware
> RAID devices and some software RAID systems - the larger block sizes are
> also supported by various file systems)
> This would allow for larger key sizes per page and perhaps in certain
> instances, increase performance as the interbase page size would more
> closely fit the underlying structures.
> What would be involved in this?
> best regards
> Dalton
> Ann Harrison wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >Ivan Prenosil wrote:
> > >
> > > > But increasing max index key size from 255 to 64K
> > > > seems like proper/long term solution to me.
> > > > Does it have any serious disadvantages ?
> >
> > At 06:29 PM 11/14/2000 +0300, Dmitry Kuzmenko wrote:
> >
> > >I think the main disadvangage will be index depth. I've made some
> > >for some company's database.
> >
> > >If page_size is 8K, and there is and index with average key length =
> > >there will be
> > >about 6 million leaf pages on the index third level. ~6 million only
> > >condition that
> > >pages does not have free spaces. It is not true in reality, and if key
> > >pages are filled
> > >only 50%, there will be only 2 million leaf pages on the third level.
> >
> > Why would reducing the fill level by half reduce the number of
> > leaf buckets by two thirds? I would expect it to increase the
> > number by about a factor of two.
> >
> > An average key length of 42 in a large table is unlikely unless the
> > key is very odd indeed. Prefix compression works very well.
> >
> > There's a reasonably simple fix for half-filled index pages (other
> > than de/re/activating the index) which may be in V6 and certainly
> > could be introduced easily - not an ODS change.
> >
> > >Let's do simple calculation for average key lenght = 256 characters
> > >8K / 256 = 32 keys on page. I.e. index root page can point to 32 second
> > >level index pointer pages....
> > >After million keys (256 byte sized key, 100% filled key pages) index
> > >will get depth = 5. Performance will be completely down.
> >
> > That's a very simplistic computation, ignoring, as it does, prefix and
> > suffix compression and the miscellaneous other stuff associated with a
> > key like the page pointer and length word. More to the point, having
> > the ability to create enormous keys is not a mandate to do so. If
> > wants to index a long character string - say index this whole message -
> > fine. We should be clear that longer keys lead to deeper indexes and
> > less performance.
> >
> > The fact is that multi-byte collating sequences limit our current
> > keys to less than 100 characters. That's too small. We could remove
> > the definition time check and just hope that we can always compress
> > keys to fit ... didn't work last time ... or increase the size of a
> > key and make sure that people understand that there are costs to
> > long keys.
> >
> > My bet? Most of the long keys will turn out to be fine once
> > compression has removed trailing blanks.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Ann
> >
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