Subject Re: Firebird Foundation election results
Regarding OpenSourcing IBO.

I wanted to say; i think it's a great idea because:
1) it has the potential of exposing IBO to a wider audience.
2) i have been in the situation where i wanted additions / changes that i could have coded myself. Being Open Sources i could actually do the changes and *after* that Jason can decide to include them or not.
3) i am currently working on a project that i intend to OpenSource. It is compile using Delphi. It uses DevExpress + IBO + kbmMemTable + RTC + some of MORMot. None of these libraries (except mORMot) are OS but that is not a problem. But the more libs that are, the better.

And back to my worries, Open Source projects can get hijacked and they can "fall out of interest". So it is important, i guess, that you can maintain a paying customer-base.

