Subject Re: [IBO] Accessing cached changes of IBOQuery1 by IBOQuery2 within the same transaction
Author Carlos H. Cantu
Re: [IBO] Accessing cached changes of IBOQuery1 by IBOQuery2 within the same transaction There is no way for a query to access data that were not sent to the database. This data is being hold in the memory cache by the dataset, so the only way to access them is by the same dataset which is holding it in memory.

Carlos H. Cantu
eBook Guia de Migração para o FB 3 - - -

Hi guys,

I'm testing the CachedUpdates feature with an IBOQuery. Since all the changes are done in memory, until they are applied, how can I access these changes via other queries within the same transaction *before applying*?

With direct updates I just do a select over the required data, which doesn't work with CachedUpdates as the changes aren't in the database yet.

As far as I see in the "TransactionOAT" tutorial, only the "DML Caching" feature seems to be at least partly related to this topic, but for it to work the chached changes have to be applied first, which is not what I'm looking for, because that way conflicts could happen again, which I'm trying to avoid by using CachedUpdates.

Since both queries use the same transaction, it is aware of the changes, so I'm wondering if there is a way to access the cached changes by doing something like "select * from A_TABLE using chachedupdate".

Best regards,