Subject RE: [IBO] Does IBO have a component/method to list registered users on a 2.5 server
Author Dalton Calford

Hi Jason,


Currently defined users in the security database.   Since we can not query the security database anymore on a 2.5 server, we can’t determine who is defined as a possible user on the system.

I can always get the currently connected users from the monitor tables.  This problem goes away with version 3 but, it is a problem with 2.5


Best regards




From: []
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 6:38 PM
Subject: RE: [IBO] Does IBO have a component/method to list registered users on a 2.5 server



Hi Dalton!

Do you mean currently connected users to the server or do you mean a list of users in the server’s security database that it is setup to recognize?




From: []
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2017 1:45 PM
Subject: [IBO] Does IBO have a component/method to list registered users on a 2.5 server


I am looking for a method to get a list of registered users on a firebird 2.5 server – any suggestions?