Subject RE: [IBO] Rad Studio 10.2 Up 2
Author Jason Wharton
I believe this is something the RAD Studio team is looking into.
It was their intention to keep things binary interface compatible but it didn't quite work out that way.
Stay tuned for the next couple of days to see if they get it sorted out.
You may also be able to work around this if you rebuild your IBO packages.
See/run the ibo5\build\build batch file to rebuild everything.
Docs for this are found in the ibo5\docs\HowToInstall.rtf file.
Hope this helps,
Jason Wharton

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 5:17 PM
Subject: [IBO] Rad Studio 10.2 Up 2



  I'm taking a look at RadStudio 10.2.2 and on C++ the IBODatabaset are working but on Delphi I'm getting an error: [dcc32 Fatal Error] Unit1.pas(7): F2051 Unit IBODataset was compiled with a different version of System.Generics.Collections.TArray.Sort

IB_  Components are working with Delphi, just the IBO I can't use...

Is there something to make IBO components work?

