Subject RE: [IBO] Script component does not accept some commands
Author IBO Support List
It should recognize the DISCONNECT DATABASE statement.
I could add in support for RECONNECT fairly easily.

From: []
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2015 12:06 AM
Subject: RE: [IBO] Script component does not accept some commands

Hi Helen and Jason,

the error message was misleading.
I had the script from IBExpert which startet with the lines

SET CLIENTLIB 'fbclient.dll';

before it came to the connect statement. In fact, those lines where the ones causing the error message, yet IBO complained about an invalid connect statement.
After starting the script with the connect statement, IBO does not complain about it anymore.

Now I am back at the original problem where RECONNECT is not recognised as valid statement.

I tried to work around with using disconnect but that's not valid either.

Is there some documentaiton available regarding IBO's script statements?
