Subject RE: [IBO] Transaction is not valid for the current connection.
Author IBO Support List
If you are available, I can do a private support session to have a look at this issue.
If it says (default) what this means is that it has picked up whatever the default setting was and that there won't be a setting stored in the DFM file. This means that when the module or form is loaded that it won't have a reference to the IB_Connection. I recommend that you change it to the value you want so that the (default) indicator goes away. This way there will be an entry in your DFM file and the reference will be streamed in when your module or form loads.
Also, you are not on the latest of IBO. I'm quite sure you ought to get up to the latest version, but if you are in a time crunch I can understand if you opt to stay where you are with this one issue addressed.
Hope this helps,
Jason Wharton

From: []
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Transaction is not valid for the current connection.

Jason do you have any idea what I should to to stop this problem?
I'm now under pressure from above to change to something that works for us.
This is a now a very serious hold up for us.


On 03/06/2014 8:01 PM, Cam camrad@... [IBObjects] wrote:

Using IBO 5.3.5 [Build 1996] (rev 2015) , Delphi XE2.
I'm currently having a problem getting the message in the subject popping up at regular intervals. It only happens for the legacy TIBOTables in the application. Al the TIB_xx components do not have this problem.

Before each compilation I have to go through the whole project and check the IB_Connection property. 
If the original connection was named cnFB then the error occurs when the IB_Connection has been changed ( not by me ) in the IDE to cnFB (default).
Some code in the component in design mode must be changing this?

Changing it back to the original value,  the application does not have this error.

Saving the project can sometimes do this, but not every time.

Any clues/info appreciated

DFM deatils for the connection are

object cnFB: TIB_Connection
    CacheStatementHandles = False
    SQLDialect = 3
    Params.Strings = (
      'SQL DIALECT=3')
    Left = 576
    Top = 24