Subject RE: [IBO] Windows service using IBO (?)
Author IBO Support List
Hi Aage!

I highly recommend you look over the new service application sample
application that came in the latest release. It makes it so much easier to
be able to debug your service application because you can take the exact
same code and test it as a stand-alone app.

This also gives you a very nice foundation framework to build a service app

Please get your app converted over to this framework so that it can be
debugged as a standard EXE and let us know how it goes from there.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Aage Johansen
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 12:43 PM
Subject: [IBO] Windows service using IBO (?)

I've written a very simple Windows service using Delphi/XE2. I'm
running WinXP/SP3.
Installing and starting the service works fine, but when I try to
connect to a database it fails.
The message in the event log is.
Access violation at address 1001F266 in module 'fbclient.dll'. Write
of address 0000004C.
In design mode (in the IDE) "Connect" succeeds.
The connect is attempted in the execute method (not during start service).
If I don't use the database (commenting out the connect, insert,
commit and disconnect) I can see the it works as expected from the
messages it writes to the application event log.
Should I run it as a specific user (or the default "Local System
account")? Should I check the "Allow service to interact with
desktop"? I haven't yet tried this one.
Will this be different if I put the service on Win2008/R2 (server).

Is there anything "special" that one must do to make database access
work in the service? (I think the answer is "Yes" - but what?)

Aage J.


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