Subject | RE: Re: [IBO] IBO and threads |
Author | IBO Support List |
Post date | 2013-09-12T10:41:20Z |
I confirm that this looks like a good way to
You need some exception handling added in there, but I suppose
you realize that.
From: [] On Behalf Of soerensoerensen@...
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 3:26 AM
Subject: RE: Re: [IBO] IBO and threads
Thank you Rob I was Down the same road but was sure if it was the proper way to do it.
--- In, <> wrote:
We do lots of threads with IBO and always use the code method. Here is a basic example of how we do it....
procedure TMyThread.Execute;
//Create session for this thread
ClientSesion := TIB_Session.Create(Nil);
ClientSesion.UseCursor := False;
//Create Database for all Query components
IBODataBase := TIBODatabase.Create(ClientSesion);
IBODataBase.IB_Session := ClientSesion;
IBODataBase.Path := Owner.DataBasefullPath;
IBODataBase.SchemaCacheDir := ExtractFilePath(IBODataBase.Path);
IBODataBase.Server := SystemServerName + FormattedSystemFB_Port;
IBODataBase.Password := WS_DB_PASSWORD;
IBODataBase.Username := WS_DB_USERNAME;
IBODataBase.Protocol := cpTCP_IP;
IBODataBase.Connected := True;
fWriteTransaction := TIB_Transaction.CreateForSession(IBODataBase, IBODataBase.IB_Session);
fWriteTransaction.Isolation := tiCommitted;
fReadOnlyTransaction := TIB_Transaction.CreateForSession(IBODataBase, IBODataBase.IB_Session);
fReadOnlyTransaction.Isolation := tiCommitted;
fReadOnlyTransaction.ReadOnly := True;
fGeneralQuery := TIBOQuery.Create(IBODataBase.IB_Session);
fGeneralQuery.IB_Session := IBODataBase.IB_Session;
fGeneralQuery.IB_Connection := IBODataBase;
fGeneralQuery..IB_Transaction := fReadOnlyTransaction ;
fWorkControlQuery := TIBOQuery.Create(IBODataBase.IB_Session);
fWorkControlQuery.IB_Session := IBODataBase.IB_Session;
fWorkControlQuery.IB_Connection := IBODataBase;
fWorkControlQuery.IB_Transaction:= fReadOnlyTransaction; //RM 12/04/2006
while (.....)
//Close and free all DB components
fGeneralQuery.Active := False;
IBODataBase.Connected := False;
The above is cleaned code from a thread in our system. Note the Free stuff was just typed in now so could be wrong.
When creating transactions you can use CreateForSession or I believe the following is equivalent..
fReadOnlyTransaction := TIB_Transaction.Create(IBODataBase.IB_Session);
fReadOnlyTransaction.IB_Session := IBODataBase.IB_Session;
It is important that all DB components are created and freed as part of the TThread.execute procedure.
Hope that helps
On 12/09/2013 4:55 a.m., soerensoerensen@... wrote:
We do lots of threads with IBO and always use the code method. Here is a basic example of how we do it....
procedure TMyThread.Execute;
//Create session for this thread
ClientSesion := TIB_Session.Create(Nil);
ClientSesion.UseCursor := False;
//Create Database for all Query components
IBODataBase := TIBODatabase.Create(ClientSesion);
IBODataBase.IB_Session := ClientSesion;
IBODataBase.Path := Owner.DataBasefullPath;
IBODataBase.SchemaCacheDir := ExtractFilePath(IBODataBase.Path);
IBODataBase.Server := SystemServerName + FormattedSystemFB_Port;
IBODataBase.Password := WS_DB_PASSWORD;
IBODataBase.Username := WS_DB_USERNAME;
IBODataBase.Protocol := cpTCP_IP;
IBODataBase.Connected := True;
fWriteTransaction := TIB_Transaction.CreateForSession(IBODataBase, IBODataBase.IB_Session);
fWriteTransaction.Isolation := tiCommitted;
fReadOnlyTransaction := TIB_Transaction.CreateForSession(IBODataBase, IBODataBase.IB_Session);
fReadOnlyTransaction.Isolation := tiCommitted;
fReadOnlyTransaction.ReadOnly := True;
fGeneralQuery := TIBOQuery.Create(IBODataBase.IB_Session);
fGeneralQuery.IB_Session := IBODataBase.IB_Session;
fGeneralQuery.IB_Connection := IBODataBase;
fGeneralQuery..IB_Transaction := fReadOnlyTransaction ;
fWorkControlQuery := TIBOQuery.Create(IBODataBase.IB_Session);
fWorkControlQuery.IB_Session := IBODataBase.IB_Session;
fWorkControlQuery.IB_Connection := IBODataBase;
fWorkControlQuery.IB_Transaction:= fReadOnlyTransaction; //RM 12/04/2006
while (.....)
//Close and free all DB components
fGeneralQuery.Active := False;
IBODataBase.Connected := False;
The above is cleaned code from a thread in our system. Note the Free stuff was just typed in now so could be wrong.
When creating transactions you can use CreateForSession or I believe the following is equivalent..
fReadOnlyTransaction := TIB_Transaction.Create(IBODataBase.IB_Session);
fReadOnlyTransaction.IB_Session := IBODataBase.IB_Session;
It is important that all DB components are created and freed as part of the TThread.execute procedure.
Hope that helps
On 12/09/2013 4:55 a.m., soerensoerensen@... wrote:
I would prefer the code solution, but how do I create a second instance of TIB_session, TIB_Cursor, TIB_connection? Could some one provide me with an example please!
--- In, <> wrote:
I recommend making a data module to hold everything that goes together.Put a TIB_Session and however many TIB_Connection, TIB_Query, etc. components you need on that module.Then, whe you have a need for it to be used, create a TThread and an instance of that DataModule and marry the two together.You can also just do it in code without a data module. I normally start by creating a TIB_Session instance and then thereafter I use that instance as the Owner when I create the subsequent connections, queries, etc. Then, I have the thread do whatever is needed within that TIB_Session context.The rule of thumb is as long as you only have a thread active within a single TIB_Session's full context you are thread safe.Jason
From: [] On Behalf Of soerensoerensen@...
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 11:47 AM
Subject: [IBO] IBO and threadsI'm developing a threaded server and use IBO and Delphi XE4. But how do I create a IBconnection, IBcursor and IBsession for each thread? I tried putting the creation under threadvar. I can compile but gets a runtime error (read access error)
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