Subject RE: [IBO] 5.2.0 build 8 install
Author IBO Support List

I'll give a little bit more of a detailed reply...

a) This new behavior is raising to your attention issues that should have
been complained about before. It should be rather easy to remedy this issue
by making sure you have clear ownership heirarchy. Is all you do is make
sure you have your components instantiated with an Owner that has a
TIB_Session instance somewhere within its ownership domain. For example,
putting components on a TDataModule with a TIB_Session instance will enable
them to align themselves with that TIB_Session. If you are strictly in code,
I recommend you just use the TIB_Session instance as the owner itself. This
way the link is automatically established.

b) I'm wondering if you used a comma to separate those field names if that
would make a difference. I did have to make a change in this area recently
in order to be properly consistent with what the VCL expects in the Tdataset

C) Those unicode text problems could be on the heels of allowing the field
compatibility. I may need to put some more work into that area. In this
case, a sample app will be what I need so that I can see for sure exactly
what is happening. The way values are acquired for Tfield components is
entirely different than it is for TIB_Column fields. Thus, I have to test
each one thoroughly.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Robert Martin
Sent: Monday, September 2, 2013 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] 5.2.0 build 8 install

Hi Jason

I successfully installed after reading the instructions in the old
version. Process worked pretty sweet. However I am now dealing with a
number of new issues introduced in this new version. One of which has
been mentioned by someone else previously. I found these in the first
few minutes of testing so there may be other issues.

a) The functionality change where IBODatabase / ib_Connection no longer
pick up default session if not explicitly assigned. Not a big problem
as most of our code is in TThread and already had session explicitly

b) The following (old style) code now fails with 'Unassigned parameter
in LocateCursor'...
VarArrayOf([OldClientCode, Null]);

I have always read / understood the code above to be equivalent to
'WHERE clientcode = OldClientCode and HEntityRef IS NULL'. In the
passed it was worked as such.

c) Unicode text problems...
When I started the conversion from D2007 and IBO 4.8.7 to DXE2 and IBO the driving factor was Unicode support. I did some testing and
unicode support seemed fine. However now that I am at the end of the
conversion process I see it is no longer working as it did in my initial

I have built a small test app and can confirm the following

IB_Connection -> IB_query -> IB_datasource -> IB_grid Works fine (I can
do in grid editing and paste Chinese characters in and the data saves /
displays fine)

Using the same IB_Connection (and therefore same database)

IB_Connection -> IBOTable -> TDataSource > TDBgrid Does not work (In
grid editing does not store data correctly and the data displays as ?????)
IB_Connection -> IBOQuery -> TDataSource > TDBgrid Does not work (In
grid editing does not store data correctly and the data displays as ?????)

I have checked the data in Flame Robin and the data added with IB_
components has added correctly and displays fine. Data added with
standard Delphi DB controls is garbage. So it would appear to be a
failure to store the data correctly.

The DB and table is defined as UTF8 and I have tested other standard
Delphi DB controls (TEdit) and it also fails. Tested with FB 2.0 and 2.5.2.

Sorry about hitting you with all these issues but I am desperate to get
our application shipped at this point.


On 3/09/2013 2:34 p.m., Robert Martin wrote:
> Hi Jason
> Just upgraded our license (expired on 08/30) and downloaded new build.
> Selected Ibo5_Source and ran the exe. it is offering to install in a
> new directory. Should I uninstall 5.2.0.b6 which is already installed
> in Delphi XE2 using the unins000.exe in the 5_2_0_b6 directory first?
> p.s. wow you live in a pretty small city (in New Zealand we would call
> it a town), 193 according to wiki. Hope your broad band is alright !
> Cheers
> Rob


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