Subject SV: [IBO] IB_Connection property of TIBOTable changes mysteriously
Author Jacob Havkrog
Hi -

No, tha DatabaseName of SystemServerModule.SystemConnection is "localhost/357:DsaSystem".

I guess it happens, when the IB_Connection property isn't set? That will be the case when migration from BDE components.


But I have a similar problem in a new IBO application (that isn't migrated).

I have this IBOTable component:

object BackupTable: TIBOTable
ColumnAttributes.Strings = (
DatabaseName = 'localhost/30507:DsaSystem'
IB_Connection = SystemServerModule.SystemConnection
IB_Transaction = SysTransaction
PreparedEdits = True
PreparedInserts = False
RecordCountAccurate = True
OnCalcFields = BackupTableCalcFields
IndexName = 'BACKUPS_BackupTime_IX'
TableName = 'BACKUPS'
FieldOptions = []

If I open this form while another project in the project group is active, the IB_Connection property is deleted. Whats more, the dirty flag of the dfm file isn't set, so the change is only maybe saved back to the file.

My solution now is to set it at run time, but as my project is full of TIBO table component it's not ideal.


Fra: [] På vegne af IBO Support List
Sendt: 5. marts 2013 16:47
Emne: RE: [IBO] IB_Connection property of TIBOTable changes mysteriously

Does that other database object have the DatabaseName of SKData?

That is what it will go on so you need to have each one of those with a
unique DatabaseName.


-----Original Message-----
From:<> [<>] On Behalf
Of jacobhavkrog
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 4:36 AM
Subject: [IBO] IB_Connection property of TIBOTable changes mysteriously

Hi - I use IBO

I have a problem with the property IB_Connection of TIBOTables.

Sometimes this property is reset to another value. I'm in the process of
migration from the BDE using GReplace, and I think it happens, when the
migrated project is first opened in my Delphi XE IDE.

This setting

object UserTable: TIBOTable
SessionName = 'Default'
DatabaseName = 'SKData'
IB_Connection = Database
PreparedEdits = True
PreparedInserts = False
RecordCountAccurate = True
TableName = 'USERS'
FieldOptions = []
Left = 146
Top = 164

get changed to

object UserTable: TIBOTable
SessionName = 'Default'
DatabaseName = 'SKData'
IB_Connection = SystemServerModule.SystemConnection
PreparedEdits = True
PreparedInserts = False
RecordCountAccurate = True
TableName = 'USERS'
FieldOptions = []
Left = 146
Top = 164

where the SystemServerModule isn't event part of the project, but it only
happens to be loaded to another project in my project group.

What could be going wrong here?



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