Subject RE: [IBO] Some errors when using implicit transactions
Author IBO Support List

I think I might have an idea of how to make this work properly.
Do you have a customer that can reproduce the issue reliably?
I could send you a patch and you could send them a test build.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Daniel Rail
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Some errors when using implicit transactions


At November-22-13, 1:09 PM, IBO Support List wrote:

> Daniel,

> It looks as if it is having a race condition. Is that the same dataset
> is being called on?

At the moment, I'm guessing that it is the same dataset.

> Jason

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Of Daniel Rail
> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 6:52 AM
> To: IBObjects
> Subject: [IBO] Some errors when using implicit transactions

> Hi,

> I'm currently using Delphi 7 and the latest IBO 5.

> I have customers that are encountering an exception in areas of the
> application where it is using implicit transactions with AutoCommit :=
> True.

> The exception message is "Activate has already been called.". I do
> notice that it is raised in the TIB_Transaction.Activate method.

> Here's the callstack:

> 00fe581a ibo5crt_d7.bpl Ib_components TIB_Transaction.Activate
> 01007b15 ibo5crt_d7.bpl Ib_components TIB_BDataset.SysPost
> 0154b225 ibo5xrt_d7.bpl Ibodataset TIBOInternalDataset.SysPost
> 00fff592 ibo5crt_d7.bpl Ib_components TIB_Dataset.Post
> 01546310 ibo5xrt_d7.bpl Ibodataset TIBODataset.InternalPost
> 4034f161 dbrtl70.bpl Db TDataSet.CheckOperation
> 4034ec8f dbrtl70.bpl Db TDataSet.Post
> 01542b3a ibo5xrt_d7.bpl Ibodataset TIBODataset.Post
> 0154b245 ibo5xrt_d7.bpl Ibodataset TIBOInternalDataset.SysPost
> 00fe5cd9 ibo5crt_d7.bpl Ib_components
> TIB_Transaction.SysProcessCommitAction
> 00fe6146 ibo5crt_d7.bpl Ib_components TIB_Transaction.SysCommitBegin
> 00fe6cd7 ibo5crt_d7.bpl Ib_components
> TIB_Transaction.SetTransactionState
> 00fe584b ibo5crt_d7.bpl Ib_components TIB_Transaction.Activate
> 01007b15 ibo5crt_d7.bpl Ib_components TIB_BDataset.SysPost
> 0154b225 ibo5xrt_d7.bpl Ibodataset TIBOInternalDataset.SysPost
> 00fff592 ibo5crt_d7.bpl Ib_components TIB_Dataset.Post
> 01546310 ibo5xrt_d7.bpl Ibodataset TIBODataset.InternalPost
> 4034f161 dbrtl70.bpl Db TDataSet.CheckOperation
> 4034ec8f dbrtl70.bpl Db TDataSet.Post
> 01542b3a ibo5xrt_d7.bpl Ibodataset TIBODataset.Post
> 160eba80 SLibCMS1500ClaimForm.spi
> SLibCMS1500ClaimForm_CMS1500ClaimFormFRM
> 876 TCMS1500ClaimFormFRM.SaveExecute

> The last line in the callstack corresponds to a TIBOQuery.Post

> I checked the code in IBO 4, just to compare both versions of the
> TIB_Transaction.Activate method, and I noticed that the raising of
> that exception("Activate has already been called.") is new in IBO 5.
> What would be the consequence of changing the code to simply skip the
> code(in the Activate method) if FActivateIsHappening = True ?

> One thing that I'm noticing in the callstack is that the
> TIBODataset.Post method is called twice and the
> TIBODataset.InternalPost method is called three times.

> The exception is not raised everytime, but my customers are reporting
> it in different areas of our applications, and it's never consistent.
> I noticed that if I change from implicit to explicit transaction
> handling, the error goes away. But, having to make changes in over
> 500 forms, is not the best solution at the moment.

> Any help is appreciated.

> Daniel Rail
> Senior System Engineer
> ACCRA Group Inc. (
> ACCRA Med Software Inc. (

> ------------------------------------

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior Software Developer
ACCRA Solutions Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (


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