Subject RE: [IBO] Sample coding - TIB_Import
Author IBO Support List
Seems to me you have some old binaries from a previous installation hanging around.
Please describe to me the way you applied the new release and what previous installs that machine has had.
Also, there is a sample using TIB_Import in the regression testing app.
It can be found in the build sub-folder under the RegressionTest sub-folder.

From: [] On Behalf Of John W. (Jack) Cane
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 2:01 PM
To: IBObjects Support
Subject: [IBO] Sample coding - TIB_Import

Would like pointer to available, sample Delphi sources showing implementations of IBO components. Particular current interest is TIB_import. Struggling with the requirements. Getting runtime exceptions due to incomplete property specifications, with no requirements list to refer to.

Here is where I am:

Installed latest build of IBO. Disabled items in component Tool Palette are now OK, thanks.

Some legacy code given to me calls the execute method to start the import process. But the TIB_Import object on my form does not contain the OnExecute event. Instead I created a non-visual object instance, and assigned values to DestTable and InputFile,. 

Getting some strange (to me) behavior on tracing through the code, after building the app: 

IB_Import.pas L 1533-4 :  if ( FDestTable = '' ) and ( FDestProc = '' ) then
      raise EIB_Import.Create(ENoDestTableEntry);
This is firing, but the error message is, 'Wrong field count in ascii file, line (1)'. I'm investigating that, but want to make sure this behavior (and below) is to be expected.  

If run without tracing, and 'Break' on error dialog, the debugger is returned to a blank line (1304) in TIB_import.pas.

Pointer to documentation, Help page or sample code would be appreciated.

from iMac