Subject RE: [IBO] Re: EAssertionFailed: Component already destroyed: IBO_DefaultSession
Author IBO Support List
I don't have any ideas immediately that come to mind. I would like to see
all of the code you are using with the TIB_Session component. Are you
working with multiple instances of that class? If so, for what purpose.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of patrick_marten
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 3:03 AM
Subject: [IBO] Re: EAssertionFailed: Component already destroyed:

any ideas about the issue described below?

It still happens with the last build and it happens even if the build
configuration is set to "Release"...

--- In, "patrick_marten" wrote:
> Hello,
> since a while I'm getting an EAssertionFailed exception within my
> The message:
> "Component already destroyed: IBO_DefaultSession ClassName: TIB_Session
(C:\Builds\TP\rtl\common\Classes.pas, Row / Line 12219)"
> I think this happens since one of the latest updates, but I'm not
absolutely sure.
> I also wasn't able to figure out, which action exactly is causing this
problem. It happens more or less randomly on different actions: closing a
form etc.
> What could be the reason for this? It's very annoying right now...
> I'm using DelphiXE, IBO 4.9.14 Build 50.
> Kind regards,
> Patrick


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