Subject RE: [IBO] Purchase IBO prior to Monday for a very nice benefit I cannot disclose.
Author IBO Support List
I believe so but it likely requires them to keep their IBO subscriptions
updated in perpetuity. So, it may be more important from now on to have an
unbroken subscription. The way things appear is there must be an unbroken
upgrade path. Once it's broken, the grandfathering is broken.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jerry Sands
Sent: 30 August 2012 04:20 PM
Subject: RE: [IBO] Purchase IBO prior to Monday for a very nice benefit I
cannot disclose.


I assume customers who are current with IBO are "locked in" as you put it,
is that correct?

Jerry sands

From: [] On Behalf
Of IBO Support List
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 2:14 PM
Subject: [IBO] Purchase IBO prior to Monday for a very nice benefit I cannot

If you have been sitting on the fence wondering whether or not to become a
customer of IBO, I'd like to nudge you to make the jump before Monday the
4th because this will lock you in to some benefits that I cannot divulge the
details of.

My licensing information will be revised in such a way that you will be glad
you locked yourself in and become a "grandfathered" customer of IBO. If you
have already been a customer in the past then you probably should consider
getting and keeping your subscription current too. I'm not exactly sure how
all the details are going to unfold.


Jason Wharton

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