Subject Re: How to restore and save the original DB file?
Author russellbelding
--- In, Chuck Belanger <phytotech@...> wrote:
> Hello:
> I am using IBOAdmin components with IBO 4.8.7 in Delphi 2007 with FB 2.5
> server all on a local drive, single user system. What I am trying to do
> is make a restore by renaming the database then restoring to the
> original file name, so not as to overwrite the database.
> The problem is that in order to rename the DB file, I found that I have
> to disconnect then stop the service, rename, then restart the service
> then do the restore. I test to see if the DB file is in use by any
> process (the FB server) and then do the renaming. But, although this
> works for all 5 systems that I have and use for testing, I have one user
> on whose system, the DB file even after stopping the FB service, shows
> the DB file is still in use, which stops the restore since I am trying
> to avoid writing over it.
> At this point, I really do not know a way around this.
> Does anyone have a suggestion on how to restore and change file names
> without running into "file is in use by another process" type error.
> Thank you,
> Chuck Belanger

Chuck I use a batch file for this purpose. It has replaceable paramaters as shown here ...

rem Set the folder and file names for this installation.
rem Omit a trailing backslash from folder definitions.
set ISC_USER=<??>
set FIREBIRD=C:\program files\firebird\firebird_2_5
set BINFOLDER=C:\program files\firebird\firebird_2_5\BIN
set DBFOLDER=E:\databases\FB2.5\Company
set DBFILE=company_data.FBDB
set BAKUPFILE=mybak.fbk
set RESTORELOG=restore_log.txt
set BAKUPLOG=backup_log.txt
set RESTORELOG=restore_log.txt
set DBFILECOPY=workingDB.fbdb

echo The host machine is: %HOSTNAME%
echo The Engine directory is: %BINFOLDER%
echo The DB directory is: %DBFOLDER%
echo The DB file is: %DBFILE%
echo The renamed working copy of %DBFILE%, the main DB file, will be %DBFILECOPY%
echo The first paramater is: %~1
echo The second paramater is: %~2

If you want a copy email me.