Subject [IBO] Re: How do I make ClientDatasets with master/detail relationships work right?
Author masonwheeler
All right. I just added to the Files section on the Yahoo group. It's a fairly simple project that allows you to reproduce the problem. The database comes pre-populated with a master row that contains details referencing it. Try deleting the master row and then applying updates back to the data module and you'll see the problem.


--- In, "IBO Support List" <supportlist@...> wrote:
> Mason,
> I don't use them extensively, but I do have some sample applications and I
> do intend them to work 100%. Will you please make a sample app of your
> problem so that I can see what is going on?
> Jason
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of masonwheeler
> Sent: 01 November 2012 11:16 AM
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] Re: How do I make ClientDatasets with master/detail
> relationships work right?
> --- In, "masonwheeler" <masonwheeler@> wrote:
> >
> > I just ran into a bit of a problem. I've got two TIBOTables, let's call
> them M and D. The database table for D has a foreign key that points to M's
> table.
> >
> > I have two TClientDataset instances, one linked to M and one linked to D,
> through providers. (Let's call them cdsM and cdsD.) The providers both
> have ResolveToDataset set to true, which means that when I call
> ApplyUpdates, the updates should only be sent to the TIBOTable dataset and
> not to the database.
> >
> > Everything works fine until I try to delete a record in cdsM that has
> records in cdsD pointing to it. I deleted those as well, but when I run the
> following code:
> >
> > cdsM.ApplyUpdates(0);
> > cdsD.ApplyUpdates(0);
> >
> > ...which should apply the updates back to the datasets and not to the
> database, I get a foreign key violation from the database. (And if I were
> to apply the updates in the opposite order, it would error on inserts to M
> instead. And this is a UI-driven operation, where it's quite possible to
> get both inserts and deletes in the same batch of updates.)
> >
> > How do I set this up so that I can apply both inserts and deletes from the
> client datasets, and the TIBOTables will delay passing the SQL on to the
> database until it has all the necessary information it needs to handle
> things in the proper order? (Delete from D before M, insert to M before D.)
> ...anyone? I can't be the only one who's ever tried to use IBO with client
> datasets.
> ------------------------------------
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