Subject RE: [IBO] Re: IBO 4.9.14 Build 53 released.
Author IBO Support List
I'm not sure this is something I can fix.
What you get back in that parameter is a temporary BLOB_ID.
You actually have to query the record to get the permanent BLOB_ID that will
provide proper results.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of masonwheeler
Sent: 11 October 2012 09:55 PM
Subject: [IBO] Re: IBO 4.9.14 Build 53 released.

Wait, my mistake. I was looking at the wrong thing. The bug I reported is
*not* fixed.

Can someone please take a look at this issue?

--- In, "masonwheeler" <masonwheeler@...> wrote:
> This appears to have fixed the error I posted about earlier involving a
"INSERT INTO (text blob field) RETURNING (generated ID)" query. Thanks!
> --- In, "kylixguru" <supportlist@> wrote:
> >
> > I just put out a new release that primarily provides XE3 support.
> >
> > I put out a new beta release of ibo5 as well.
> >
> > Please see your respective download area.
> >


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