Subject Re: Has anyone connected Firebird to DevExpress' cxCsheduler component?
Author DanyM
The key to solving this is the SQL Monitor. The easy way is to drop a IB_UtilityBar on the form. Set the BaseConnection and BaseTransaction properties and the click "Monitor" when debugging. You'll see EXACTLY what the DX component is doing and why it fails.

"Token unknown" is usually a SQL syntax error. Tinkering with your FB installation you should be able to get more informative error messages.



--- In, "Craig Cox" <Craig_Cox@...> wrote:
> I am using Delphi XE, IB Objects, FB2.5, DevExpress VCL
> Comonenents 12.1.5
> I am connecting Firebird to the DevExpress Scheduler component for my
> application. When I compile and run my application, I can see records
> that I have manually entered into to my Events and Resources tables
> (using IBExpert) in the Scheduler component, so that part of the
> connection appears to be working. However, when I try to edit or enter
> new Event table records through the application, it throws the following
> error when it tries to post (?) the record:
> ISC ERROR CODE: 335544569
> Dynamic SQL Error
> SQL Error Code = @1
> Token unknown - line @1, column @2
> @1
> <no name>.<no name>(TIB_Statement)
> EventsTable.IBOqrEventsTable(TIBOInternalDataset)
> I have a feeling I am missing something very basic.
> Thanks