Subject RE: [IBO] Problem with SIMILAR TO in TIBO_QUERY.FILTER property
Author IBO Support List
This is likely a bug in the IBO filter processing logic.
For the time being you can preface the filter with a clause that causes it
to directly pass through the filter unmodified.



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of l_gilbert_fr
Sent: 02 January 2012 05:07 AM
Subject: [IBO] Problem with SIMILAR TO in TIBO_QUERY.FILTER property

Hi all,

I wonder if someone has the same problem I'm encountering.

I update my application to use FIREBIRD 2.5 internal functions instead of
UDF functions.

In this way, I replaced regular expression search by the SIMILAR function,
but even if my query works very well when I run it from IBEXPERT, I got a
syntax error from IBO (4.9.14b32) about a bad parenthesis count.

The filter looks like <<((XXX SIMILAR TO

I made many tests without success but if I replace "SIMILAR TO" by a simple
"=", I don't get a syntax error anymore. This last test is only to validate
the syntax even if it produces a bad result.

The exception message is :
Syntaxe Invalide: parenthèse en trop ou en moins:

I think IBO doesn't show the first ')'.

