Subject Re: [IBO] TIB_Query doesn't delete with calculated fields
Author toninhonunes
Hi Jason,

Yes, it worked, the bug vanished.

thanks a lot.


--- In, "Support List" <supportlist@...> wrote:
> Toninho,
> > Hi Jason,
> >
> > Are you did get downloading the sample app?
> >
> >
> Please try this fix in IBA_BDataset.imp and let me know if it works for you.
> procedure TIB_BDataset.CalculateFields;
> begin
> if Prepared and IsSelectSQL then
> begin
> inherited CalculateFields;
> KeyToChildAction( kcaUpdateKeyDescCalcFields, longint(Fields) );
> if not NeedToPost then
> PutRecord( NodeList.CurRef.Node, Fields );
> if BufferFields.RowNode = Fields.RowNode then
> begin
> if Fields.RowState = rsNone then
> BufferFields.Clearbuffers( rsNone )
> else
> BufferFields.RowData := Fields.RowData;
> if Fields.OldRowData <> '' then
> BufferFields.OldRowData := Fields.OldRowData;
> end;
> end;
> end;
> Thanks,
> Jason LeRoy Wharton