Subject RE: [IBO] IBO 4.9.9, D2010 and Filter
Author Support List
> Hello!
> Simple question about filtering (I`m use IBO 4..9.9 and D2010)...
> 1)
> // set SQL text and Run query - all success
> IB_Query1.SQL.Text:='SELECT * FROM USERS';
> IB_Query1.Open;
> 2) Now I want filter some records...
> // in ComboBox1.OnChange
> IB_Query1.DisableControls;
> IB_Query1.Filtered:=False;
> IB_Query1.Filter:='FIRMID='+IntToStr(FirmIDFromCombo); // I`m store
> FIRMID in ComboBox.Items.Objects
> // Now I see IB_Query1.Filter='FIRMID=1' - it`s OK
> IB_Query1.Filtered:=True;
> IB_Query1.EnableControls;
> ....and Oops! - any changes in grid ;((((
> Where I`m wrong? Anybody has same problems?
> P.S. OnFilter() don`t work too.

It likely has to do with the DisableControls and EnableControls. Please
remove those and see what happens.
