Subject | Re: [IBO] Generator not incrementing |
Author | Thomas Steinmaurer |
Post date | 2011-08-13T18:01:10Z |
>> I have the same exact thing going on. My customersYou know that doing a MAX for this scenario isn't reliable in a
>> occasionally call and report order numbers (a generator)
>> being reissued. A couple have called in the last couple
>> of weeks - this is a pretty serious problem that I need to
>> figure out.
> Here is a code snippets for checking generators:
> procedure TdmMaster.CheckGeneratorValue(const aGenName, aTableName, aTableID: string);
> var
> lCur: TIB_Cursor;
> lGenValue: integer;
> begin
> lCur := CreateCursor(Format('Select Max(%s) from %s', [aTableID, aTableName]));
multi-user environment?
With regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
Upscene Productions
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> try
> lCur.First;
> lGenValue := lCur.Fields[0].AsInteger;
> finally
> lCur.Free;
> end;
> if FIBConn.Gen_ID(aGenName, 0)<lGenValue then
> ExecSQL('SET GENERATOR %s TO %d', [aGenName, lGenValue]);
> end;
> And I've started using the following where the problem has occurred:
> function TdmMaster.GetNewKeyID(const aTableName, aFieldName, aGenName: string): integer;
> var
> lMaxID: integer;
> begin
> lMaxID := GetMaxKeyID(aTableName, aFieldName);
> repeat
> result := dmMaster.IBConn.Gen_ID(aGenName, 1);
> until result> lMaxID;
> end;
> HTH,
> Ed Dressel
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