Subject RE: [IBO] Length of string fields in a IBOQuery
Author Support List

> I did a test with a field with the length of 70 -> varchar(70) in the
> database and also 70 as the length, which an older IBO version used, when
> I added that field to a query.
> With the build 9 I can type in 70 characters only, which is ok. I did it
> with cyrillic characters to make sure it's unicode, what I type it.
> I then removed that field from the query and added it again. The new
> length is 70*4=280. I can type in 280 characters now, but once I'm posting
> the query, I get an error:
> arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation
> So it looks as if the lengths should remain how they were / are in the
> database.

I'll take a closer look at things and see if I can spot the problem.
