Subject Re: [IBO] Event issue
Author Robert Martin

No wasn't aware of the 16 limit. However that is not the issue as the
events update a calendar where an event is registered for each day being
displayed. At most 7 days are displayed.

What happens is the system works fine for a while then just stops. I
open two copies of the app, in one copy I moving bookings (which updates
the database) and the triggers force the other app to update (part of
which unregisters and re registers the events on the calendar that is
being updated suing the code shown below). After about a dozen moves
the second application stops updating.


On 7/07/2011 2:01 p.m., Support List wrote:
> Rob,
>> I have an application which users events so that the data displayed is
>> already in sync between multiple users.
>> Doing some testing this afternoon I noticed that after about a dozen
>> event receipts the recipient application stops receiving events. The
>> following code is used to populate the event monitor and appears to work
>> fine for a time ...
>> //Build list of events to monitor (i.e. one for each day)
>> if (IB_BookingEvents.ProcessingEvents = False) then begin
>> for ColNo := 0 to fPlanner.Positions - 1 do begin
>> if (EventList<> '') then begin
>> EventList := EventList + ',';
>> end;
>> EventList := EventList + EVENT_NAME + FormatDateTime(
>> 'd-m-yyyy', GetDateOfColumn(ColNo) );
>> end;
>> if (EventList = '') then begin
>> IB_BookingEvents.UnregisterEvents;
>> end
>> else if (EventList<> IB_BookingEvents.Events.CommaText) then
>> begin
>> IB_BookingEvents.UnregisterEvents;
>> if (EventList<> IB_BookingEvents.Events.CommaText) then
>> begin
>> //Events to be monitored changed
>> IB_BookingEvents.Events.CommaText := EventList;
>> IB_BookingEvents.RegisterEvents;
>> end;
>> end;
>> end;
>> I am using IBO 4.8.7 with FB 2.0.x
>> Any suggestions ?
> Were you aware that only 16 events can go into a TIB_Events at a time?
> Not sure if this is a factor, but you may need to be using more than one
> event object.
> Can you give more information on why it stops?
> Thanks,
> Jason LeRoy Wharton
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