Subject Re: [IBO] IBO 4.9.13 Beta 20 released
Author Lester Caine
Support List wrote:
> I have put out another beta release.
> Please see release notes for items fixed.

Jason ... has this been tested on BCB6?
I've removed the websnap stuff since that is not available on 'bcb6pro' and
everything compiles fine, but when I simply try and open a connection everything
crashes. I though at first it might be the converted legacy programs, so I've
dropped back to a simple new one with JUST a connection, and while I can change
everything and open the edit function, the second I hit 'connect' - desktop :(

Any ideas where to go now. It's been so many years since I did any heavy
C++/pascal stuff which is not helping. And the production stuff is still on a
very old version of IBO, but I'm getting little niggles nowadays with the legacy
stuff into FB2.5 and I know it's about time I thought about upgrading ...
although sticking with FB2.1 is probably the best way forward.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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