Subject RE: [IBO] Autolabel loosing settings
Author Support List
> I'm migrating from IBO 4.5 to 4.9.12 and I'm having some troubles with
> Autolabel property.

Please skip 4.9.12 and start working with the 4.9.13 Beta.

> In my IBO 4.5 project all required fields were labeled in red collor.
> Now when I open my source code using IBO 4.9.12 all settings are lost. The
> .dmf file is automatically converted to default value of the properties.

This likely has to do with the features to make the font have certain
attributes for columns that are required, etc.

> I'm not sure if it is an IBO problem or a Delphi problem, because I'm also
> migrating from Delphi 7 to Dephi XE.

This is most likely a change in behavior of IBO.

> It's very easy to simulate the problem:
> 1. Create a new project using Delphi XE
> 2. Create a new form
> 3. Put one TIB_Edit in this form
> 4. Set the AutoLabel.Font.Color property with clRed
> 5. Set the AutoLabel.Font.Style property with fsBold
> 6. Press ALT+F12 key to visualize .dfm text
> 7. Press ALT+F12 key again to visualize the form.
> 8. Observe that AutoLabel properties were converted automatically to the
> default value.
> Another test:
> 1. Create a new project using Delphi XE
> 2. Create a new form
> 3. Put one TIB_Edit in this form
> 4. Set the AutoLabel.Font.Color property with clRed
> 5. Set the AutoLabel.Font.Style property with fsBold
> 6. Press F9 key to run the project
> 7. Observe that AutoLabel properties were converted automatically to the
> default value on run time.
> Has anyone seen something simillar?

I have seen this according to your instructions.

I will see about getting this resolved ASAP.
