Subject RE: [IBO] DSQL Result: "attempt to fetch past the last record in a record stream"
Author IBO Support List

No, you are getting what can be expected. If you do not receive one and only
one return record with TIB_DSQL then you will get an exception of some kind.

There is a public property called TreatSingletonEmptySetAsEof that you can
set to true if you don't want an error message.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Ed Dressel
Sent: 29 December 2011 11:34 AM
Subject: [IBO] DSQL Result: "attempt to fetch past the last record in a
record stream"

In talking with Jason, I thought he indicated that I could use a DSQL object
if a result set only contains one record--maybe there is more to it?

I tried the following SQL:

select First 1 Client_ID
from ClientInfo
where Upper_First_Name = :FirstName

The record does not exist, and I am getting the following exception when I
call .ExecSQL:

attempt to fetch past the last record in a record stream

When I changed it to a cursor, and use .First, it worked fine.

Am I doing something wrong?


Ed Dressel


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