Subject IBO 4.9.14 Build 25 now released.
Author Support List

I just put out a new sub-release with several issues addressed.

Here's the stuff I wrote in the release notes:

I fixed a problem having to do with TIBODataset and master detail
relationships. When a database is being disconnected it would close and
unprepare datasets which could cause the parameters of the detail query to
be refreshed when its master dataset was being unprepared. It tried to close
and open the detail query during the disconnect phase and was prevented due
to the transaction ignoring the request to start a new transaction while in
disconnect phase. Thus, it gave an invalid transaction handle error. Now I
guard against this by checking for the disconnect phase before refreshing
detail datasets.

I made some enhancements in the handling of default connections for
statements and transactions. I recently tightened things up so that
statements and transactions didn't arbitrarily assign themselves to
connections in order to avoid problems that could result from this. But, in
the case of applications that only have a single connection component, it
makes sense to allow the former flexibility since there isn't any possible
problem from referencing the only available connection. Therefore, if your
application only has a single connection, it shouldn't be necessary to go
throughout your application and plug in all the references. If you need more
than one connection and you still want flexibility then you need to make use
of the TIB_Session.DefaultConnection property.

I made the package files more consistent by updating their version info
data. I also tidied up the XE2 package source files to be more consistent in
format and to remove junk information from migrating from earlier versions
of Delphi.

I removed these flags from the DPROJ file of the WebSnap (WSRT/WSDT)

I fixed a problem having to do with input parameters being refreshed when a
TIBODataset is in the process of being unprepared. This eventually led to an
invalid transaction handle error.

I fixed the method in IBF_Base.pas that checks the position of a form when
it position is saved and reloaded so that it is sensitive to multiple
monitors and so that it works more effectively to keep a form from not being
visible anywhere on the screen. This should make it so that the forms that
come up with the various component editors will not appear somewhere off the
screen and be unusable.

I fixed the recently rewritten routine to get a generator value to properly
handle Unicode generator names.

I put the XSpin.pas unit back into the product because it was so difficult
relying on the TSpinEdit component provided by Delphi/CPPB. In some versions
its there as TSpinEdit and in others it is as TCSpinEdit. There is no
official support for those components so I decided I better just use the
TXSpinEdit control that I have used in the past.
