Subject Re: [IBO] Re: Generator not incrementing
Author Geoff Worboys
Hi Ed,

> "I am still thinking". Huh? Did you even bother to try the
> demo before you started saying what you thought?

No, but I did read the code. There was no explicit commit,
there was not even an insert against which to check whether
a useful transaction was automatically rolled back.

As Helen as reported there was a known bug in FB v1.5.0,
fixed in v1.5.1, that could have caused the problem you
are seeing, but assuming you are using a fixed version of
FB (the supplied DLL was v1.5.6) then the expected results
should be as I described.

Write a demo that actually attempts to prove what you claim
(that in v1.5.6 a committed transaction will not also save
the generators it as used) and I will try it out.

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing Pty Ltd