Subject RE: [IBO] Delphi XE2
Author Support List

> We are moving from D2007 to Delphi XE2 soon. Which version of IBO
> should we move to 4.9.x or 5 ?

On the long-term, you can use either IBO 4.9.x or 5.0.x as they will both
support it.

I just released Build 18 which has all of the XE2 packages in it for IBO
4.9.14 but I don't have them finished up for IBO 5.0.2 yet.

> Re your 64bit issues for IBO. Are these major? We are in no rush to
> provide a 64bit version of our app (but would love to do so) but it
> would be nice to know if there will be issues we will need to deal with,
> we would therefore sort them out when we deal with any legacy Unicode
> issues.

The issues with 64-bit support aren't as drastic as the widestrings was.
But, even still, I don't yet have a timetable for when I will have it ready.
It is currently my #1 priority for IBO development.
