Subject Re: [IBO] D/XE
Author Geoff Worboys
Aage Johansen wrote:
> Is there a date for when we will see IBO for Delphi/XE ?

What's in there that will require specific support in IBO?

I see that regex is supposed to be there at last - which is
a shame really, as that's one of the things I had already got
around to building for my own apps. I guess, since FB v2.5
is also supporting SIMILAR TO, that IBO probably should look
at implementing regex support in it's search feature.

[ Side Note: I see that the new XE regex is based on pcre and
it has not been updated for UTF16, internally it still uses
UTF8 ... yet the interface to TRegEx is all string (UTF16).
I don't like the performance implications of that, something
like IBO may need to look at using TPerlRegEx directly. ]

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing