Subject Re: [IBO] Error in IB_Schema.pas
Author Thomas Steinmaurer

> > Clear AliasName properties
> maybe there is something I haven't still understood.
> I'm using a TIB_Connection component, and I've always thought that the AliasName property refers to the "Firebird" alias
> (I'm using FB aliases in this application), being TIB_Connection unrelated to the BDE (at least I was thinking so...).
> Is this wrong? I have also set the DatabaseName property equal to the AliasName property. Is this right? So is
> DatabaseName the "real" property to set as FB alias?

The AliasName property points to BDE aliases. There is no separate
property for a Firebird alias stored in aliases.conf on the server.

If you want to connect to a Firebird database via an alias entry in
aliases.conf, then the connect string in e.g. isql looks like:


So, if using the default port 3050, this could look like:


or with a differnt port:



You simply have to provide the server name, protocol, port and database
in your TIB_Connection, where database is your Firebird alias name.

Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Series - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
NexusDB V2
Upscene Productions
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