Subject Re: [IBO] SQL progress animation
Author Robert martin
Thanks Jason

I considered making a thread to update an animation however my
understanding is that threads shouldn't be touching the GUI and that the
reason Delphis TAnimate now stops when the system is busy is that it is
no longer thread based. For now I am just displaying a static message.


On 23/03/2010 4:47 p.m., Jason Wharton wrote:
> Robert,
> As Geoff indicated, CallbackInc and OnCallback isn't going to be a perfect
> fit for what you are looking for. It only gives you an opportunity between
> fetches. If your query is of such a nature that it has to do a full scan on
> the server before the results are readied for fetching then it will
> definitely not fit your needs.
> You may want to tap into the BeginBusy() ... EndBusy events of a TIB_Session
> component. Using these events you could activate a thread that solely
> performs an animation of some kind indicating that the server is busy
> processing data. You likely would want some kind of a delay before it makes
> any visual appearances. That way you would not exaggerate the flicker effect
> that happens when the screen cursor changes.
> Be sure you put the TIB_Session component on the main data module or form
> that is created first in your application and make sure it is first in the
> creation order of the form/module it is on. IBO will make it first if it can
> automatically but you still want to check it. Then, you can assign event
> handlers to the OnBeginBusy and OnEndBusy events. These can resume a thread
> that animates a special part of a form or a popup form, etc. with animation
> on it.
> Hope this helps,
> Jason Wharton
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Robert martin"<rob@...>
> To:<>
> Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 8:17 PM
> Subject: Re: [IBO] SQL progress animation
>> Thanks for the heads up Geoff.
>> I am TIBOQuery and have added a OnCallback event but it doesn't
>> trigger. I tryied changing the CallbackInc from -1 to 0 and 1 but still
>> no go. The event doesn't trigger. It says it is triggered every nth
>> record fetched so
>> A) doesn't look like it will do what I want, the bulk of processing is
>> running the Query (not preparing or processing records).
>> B) Where do I specify the nth record, I have left other settings as
>> default.
>> Am I doing something wrong.
>> Rob
>> On 23/03/2010 12:44 p.m., Geoff Worboys wrote:
>>>> What we want is a simple way of displaying an animation while
>>>> an SQL is being processed. In this particular case the SQL
>>>> is being built in code and results are being displayed in a
>>>> DB aware grid. As the delphi animation components are no
>>>> longer threaded they dont work. We cant put the db Query in a
>>>> thread becuase we want to display the results in a db grid.
>>> TIB_Dataset.OnCallback (which means TIB_Cursor and TIB_Query)
>>> have it). See also the various Callback* properties that allow
>>> you to adjust callback processing.
>>> TIBODataset has OnCallback too... but see the help for how
>>> to use it.
>>>> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>>> You can see it in use in the source for form IBF_DataPump.
>>> Note that this can only give feedback events between record
>>> fetches, it cannot give feedback events during a long prepare.
>>> That is: In some very complicated selected procedures and the
>>> like it can the prepare that takes a long time and during the
>>> prepare your interface will appear frozen and callback can do
>>> nothing about it.
>>> HTH
> ------------------------------------
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