Subject Re: [IBO] Test suite?
Author Andeas Hesse
Hello Carlos,

It is nothing new.

A) Unicode Version
I have written mostly the same to Jason about a year ago.
I was no big deal to make a first unicode version, about 2 days
(only for d2009/d2010).
(This version is based on 4.8.7 on more than a year old).
Jason has this version of mine.
But he decided to go in another direction.

B) Test Suite
You can found a first Test Suite for IBO on Sourceforge.
Wenn I found some bugs I first write a test for it, then fix it.
But the Test Suite contains only a few cases.
If somebody have written testcode he/she is invited to join the project.


Am 17.03.2010 12:20, schrieb Carlos H. Cantu:
> Jason, Geoff and "community", please allow me to make some totally
> non-technical comments about this.
> I guess Geoff is the only other person (beside Jason) with enough
> knowledge and understanding of IBO source code, able to alter and
> improve it in the correct way.
> I think IBO (the product) and all of us (the users/developers) will
> benefit if Jason and Geoff can work together improving IBO. I really
> hope both of them can get an agreement in a way that the efforts of
> Geoff will not get lost or end up only in his "private branch" of IBO,
> so the product will become more active and evolve faster.
> []s
> Carlos H. Cantu
> -
> -
> GW> Hi Jason,
> GW> I've spent my spare time over the last two weeks or so working
> GW> on building a unicode version of IBObjects v4.8.7 (also
> GW> integrating fixes from the 4.9.9 version, also integrating my
> GW> own column attributes optimisation that we discussed a year or
> GW> two ago, also removing any attempt to support any versions of
> GW> Delphi prior to v6... and may cut more). Calling it v4.10.
> [....]
> ------------------------------------
> ___________________________________________________________________________