Subject Re: [IBO] Problems using IB_Query and IBOQuery
Author Hans

where ("Code" = '+ QuotedStr(edit1.Text) +')');

----- Original Message -----
From: "aztoquetti" <armandozt@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 9:51 PM
Subject: [IBO] Problems using IB_Query and IBOQuery

> Hello everybody.
> I've been using Firebird and IBObject for a few months. I'm still learning
> a lot about it. A litte time ago I was still using BDE.
> I'm building a project in which I use IBObject 4.8.7 with Delphi 7,
> Firebird 2.1.2 and IBExpert 2008.
> In IBExpert I created the database and a table called DEPARTMENTS. The
> fields in this table are...
> Code - VARCHAR(10)
> Description - VARCHAR(50)
> Actually the var Code has to be VARCHAR, not INTEGER, because my program
> uses codes such as "123" and "12-3".
> The table has these data...
> Code Description
> 12-3 FINANCE
> I use the component IB_Query (or IBOQuery) to select records in the table,
> but some very strange things happen.
> Although the field Code is VARCHAR, IB_Query does not work if contents of
> field Code contain characters that aren't numbers or the decimal point (.)
> For example, if I have an EditBox, and I change its Text property to
> '12-3', and then I try to run the script...
> IB_Query1.Close;
> IB_Query1.SQL.Clear;
> IB_Query1.SQL.Add('Select * from DEPARTMENTS where ("Code" = '+ edit1.Text
> +')');
> IB_Query1.Open;
> ... when I try to run it, the following error message comes...
> Project Project1.exe raised exception class EIB_ISCERROR with message 'ISC
> ERROR CODE:335544334
> conversion error from string "12-3"
> '.Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue.
> Why the hell it tries to convert a string if the field is VARCHAR???
> If, instead of "12-3", I change both value of field Code in table to "123"
> and the text in EditBox to "123", the script works.
> This "VARCHAR" does not also accept alphabetic or special characters, only
> numerical or decimal point, as I said.
> I've also tried to use CHAR instead of VARCHAR, and the same problem
> happens. As I said, the same thing happens when I use the component
> IBOQuery.
> I need some urgent help because I have a few weeks to end this project.
> Thanks since now.
> ------------------------------------
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